Mittwoch, 15. September 2010


I have reached the last country in the Caucasus I am visiting and although it is "only" the so called Lesser Caucasus here in Armenia I am very impressed. The country was friendly and welcoming from the beginning. A lot of people here speak English or even some French and German: well, Armenia has about 3 million inhabitants but 10 million Armenians live outside the country, most in the US but also in France and Turkey.

Apart from the friedliness of the people it is the landscape that impressed me most. The mountains are really accessible you can cycle here over high passes on well paved roads - fantastic. Finally I have found what I was looking for.

So it doesn't really matter that Yerevan itself is not a really interesting city.

It is a good place for me to stop for a little spontaneous side trip to Iran. More about this - I cannot tell. Once I am back (23/09) I will contiue cycling through Armenia, then head back to Georgia and finally Turkey.... but slowly.

From top to bottom you see Armenian landscape, some impressions about Sovjet (1920s) architecture in Yerevan and, of course, some of the Armenian monestaries...

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Herr Daferner! What a journey! You ll have to write a book as a follow up...........Your English is just fine and the stories are very interesting. Everything is very much the same in Karlsruhe...not quite as exciting as your time in the Caucasus. But I think you will be pleased to hear that. We don t really like change at home, do we? Take care and until the next time from a beautiful day in Karlsruhe. Yvonne Z.

  2. Hello Herr Daferner, I hope you get this message this time! I have sent a few but wasn t successful. The photos are really so lovely and your energy seems to be never-ending. Well done! Oh yes and your English is great!
    Everything is fine here, just as it should be!
    Greetings from a very sunny Karlsruhe!
    Yvonne Z

  3. Hallo Marc,

    meinen Kommentar darf ich auf Deutsch schreiben, oder? ;)
    Das sind wirklich wunderschöne Bilder! Entweder du hast ein fotografisches Auge für gute Motive und Stimmungen oder deine Kamera ist unglaublich gut :D
    Ich muss zugeben, so schöne Land- und Ortschaften hätte ich so weit weit weg von Zentraleuropa gar nicht vermutet - ungebildet wie ich bin...
    So langsam führt deine Route dich allerdings wieder Richtung Westen, oder?

    Ich wünsche dir noch viele spannende Erfahrungen, gutes Wetter und eine gute Fahrt!
    Ich hoffe auch auf weitere fotoreiche Blogg-Einträge,
