Dienstag, 28. September 2010

Remote, beautiful and unfortunately a dead end

The last few days I cycled up and down the Armenian mountains to reach the republic of Mountainous Karabakh (official name of a place that is not recognised as a state by anyone but Armenia). The road to Karabakh is quiet and beautiful and of course full of mountains - the Lesser Caucasus. Yesterday I was in the capital Stepanakert and applied for a visa. It was granted but not for the route I was planing to take - no discussion - there was nothing I could do, so yesterday and today I had to go all the way back. So today I am in Yeghegnadzor and from here I can finaaly go to Lake Sevan through another road leading over the 2400 m Salim Pass. After the pass I will be on a high plateau at around 2000 m altitude so I hope cycling there will be a bit less mountainous then the last days. From lake Sevan it might be 2 days to the Georgian border and another two days to Turkey so by the weekend I should be in Turkey again.
While the weather was cool and rainy in Karabakh here in Armenia it is warm and sunny again it still feels like summer and I hope it stays like this for at least another month until I reach the Mediterranean Sea.
But before that I will be back with more news from my trip and of course some pictures, I promise!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi Marc,

    während du dich noch mit Muskelkraft durch die Welt "quälst" fahren wir nur noch Elektrorad ;) Aber immerhin, auf die Art fühlt es sich wieder an wie zu besten F-Team Zeiten. Ich wünsche dir viel Rückenwind weiterhin und freue mich auf deine neusten Geschichten&Fotos.

