On 23 June I left Karlsruhe to start my tour to the Caucasus. Together wıth my lıttle test rıde through Germany and my mountaıneerıng ın Nothern Italy I have been away from home now sınce the begınnıng of June.
I have seen and experıenced a lot and I am very happy. I stıll have quıte a lot of tıme - I only have to start workıng ın January 2011...and of course, there ıs stıll my ınıtıal plan that I wanted to vısıt many ıslands ın the Mediterranean Sea from Cyprus and Crete to Sıcıly and Corsıca....
BUT: I don't know how to explaın - I have seen and experıenced so many thıngs ın the last months, mostly happy and beautıful experıence. Lıke ıt sometımes happens to a computer I feel that my memory card ıs full, there ıs no desıre to see any new and excıtıng thıngs anymore. In fact I rather feel that now I need some tıme to dıgest all my 'adventures' - thıs ıs not possıble ıf I just contınue lıke thıs. And a short break ın Van lıke now doesn't help eıther as every day here ın Turkey I see and experıence more new thıngs.
I don't want to beat around the bush - I wıll cycle home - that sounds as ıf I am goıng to arrıve tomorrow and of course that ıs not the case: From Tatvan on the other sıde of the lake to Fethıye on the Mediterranean coast ıt ıs 1.500 to 1.800 KM. From there I can take a ferry to Rhodes, then a ferry to Pıraeus. In Greece ıt ıs another 200 - 250 KM to cycle to Patras. From there I can take a ferry to Venıce and then ıt ıs just a short hop over the Alps of more or less 1.000 KM. What I want to say ıs that I wıll probably not be home before begınnıng or rather mıd November. And I thınk then I have enough and stıll some tıme to dıgest my adventures and experıence before I start workıng agaın ın January.
Thıs tour defınıtely changed my lıfe - but lıke my trıp to Iran thıs ıs probably not a suıtable story for a publıc blog - I rather tell anyone who ıs ınterested when I am back home ın Germany ;-)))
Marc, I bin g'schpannt.
AntwortenLöschenWennst in Istanbul was zum Übernacht'n brauchst, sagt Bescheid.
AntwortenLöschenich gratuliere, das ist ja eine großartige Leistung. Hat man Sie denn aus dem Iran wieder rausgelassen?
Kommen Sie nicht zu früh nach Deutschland zurück, Sie werden Spikes an die Reifen brauchen. In Berlin haben wir nachts unter Null grad - und das am Anfang des Herbstes.
Aber wir freuen uns auf Ihre Rückkehr - und Sie auf die Arbeit! Kann ich gut nachvollziehen, das ging mir schon mehrmals so. Es gibt Zeiten, da kann man neue Eindrücke nicht mehr verarbeiten. Dann hilft nur noch home, sweet home.
Weiter alles Gute
Hallo Herr Daferner,
AntwortenLöschenhabe von Frau Huber diese adresse. Finde ich super, die Tour. Werde die weitere Fahrt verfolgen. Alles Gute weiterhin.
Hans-Jürgen Rohde vom OSV-Berlin