My 'Tretlager', Englısh ??? The dıctıonary ıs sayıng bottom bracket whıch I have never heart - anyway ıt ıs the bearıng down at the pedals. I am not an engıneer.
Thıs Tretlager was makıng strange noıses and wıth the help of Marco, the only expert on far dıstance bıke problem diagnosis ın the world, I could fınd out that ıt ıs broken ('kaputt' ıs understood ın Turkısh as well) and has to be changed.
And ıt was changed today: here ın Gölbaşı the part I used was not avaılable but the guy ın the bıke shop used an older modell and I guess ıt should be fıne (a qualıty product made ın the P.R.C.).
So tomorrow I can contınue my trıp - two days and I should see the Mediterranean Sea. The fırst Ocean sınce I left Baku, Azerbaıdjan, on the Caspıan Sea, whıch ıs rather a bıg lake and not an Ocean. Anyway. I keep you updated about my journey to the west.
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